Welcome to Brushfire Designs

At Brushfire Designs, we create spaces that serve your greatest purpose. Whether it's designing a personalized and efficient home for your family, selling your house faster for top dollar, or list a beautiful and relaxing short-term rental, we are here for you. 

Our Services

  • Staging Services

    Thinking about listing your house for sale? Call us first to help you identify ways to maximize your selling potential! Paint recommendations and lighting updates are just a couple of our services. Once the punchlist is done, we can come back and stage your space to cater to the ideal buyers for the highest profit in the shortest time frame.

  • Short Term Rental Services

    So you’ve decided to try your hand at owning a short term rental? Do you need someone to design a fun and relaxing home that guests will remember and recommend to thier friends? I love to take your spaces to the next level and stop the scrolling and get bookings.

  • Re-design Services

    Need help finding your personal styles? Do you need a hand pulling your spaces together? Does your home feel dull and unorganized? I love creating stylish and functional spaces that feel like home while serving your needs and comforts in thoughful ways. I pride myself on unique and personalized touches so you can be sure your house won’t look like the neighbors.